Monday, April 4, 2011

Bridget on Saying Goodbye

Weight:  x+16 = still considering it an accomplishment not to have gained more....

So, I survived until April!  Hooray!  But I had no idea how much I was going to miss all of the folks who've been with me for the last month that I term "hell-month." 

We wrapped our shoot on Friday around 10pm.  I struggled for a good half-hour, thinking up things I needed to do that were NOT "pack my bag and leave."  I didn't want to go!  It was 10pm on a Friday night, and I did not for the life of me want to get into my car and drive away from work.  I missed everyone before I even left.  I missed long hours, I missed unhealthy food (and sometimes uncooked food).  I just missed it all.  Every day since 1/14/11, what I've really missed most is sleep.  But since 4/1/11, all I've missed is the 147 people who made my experience so fulfilling. 

In summary, I kind of want to move back to Georgia.  But only kind of.  This too shall pass.


  1. Set is fun! I've been trying to tell you, haha.

  2. I bet it was exciting! And yes, it would be lovely to have you back in GA, too! But there's always visiting, lots of visiting!
