Sunday, October 17, 2010

Re: Pamela Jones vs. My Mom

Perhaps the most relatable relationship in the whole book & movie series is the relationship between Bridget and her mother Pam.  That's because we all have moms.  (I mean, even if we don't have moms, we had moms - we weren't Arnold Swarzenegger's child in Junior.)  And ALL of our moms are chock full of advice for how we can lead a better, happier life.

My mom and Pam would disagree heartily on what makes for a happy life.  My mother vehemently opposed serious relationships in high school, and she even cautioned me about getting married in general.  What was most important to her was that I didn't feel like I had to get married.  When she was 28, she got married because she thought if she didn't, something was "wrong" with her.  She didn't want me to feel like that.  So thanks, Mom, for never pressuring me.  Or conversely, thanks a bunch for strongly dissuading me, thus allowing me to fall into current state of singledom.  At least Pam sets her daughter up every New Year's!

"Promise to stay single until you're 30."
"Yes, Mommy, I promise."
My mom and Pam would also disagree on whether to have kids.  Pam says that if she had it all to do over, she might not have children.  My mom, to her dying week (boom, sympathy bomb just went off!), told me that having me was her favorite memory.  (In her state of mental unclarity, I wonder if she could remember my name...hmm.)  She decided I was having kids with blonde hair and ringlets, and she'd tell me things she would do for them when they came to visit.  (I believe they were more like threats directed at me, so phew, crisis averted.)

So, Pamela Jones vs. My Mom.  My Mom wins.


  1. Your mom SO wins. And that picture is just wonderful. The caption made me laugh out loud.

  2. But as you know, it wasn't far from reality! :-) She had me promising all kinds of things before age 5.
