Sunday, December 12, 2010

Re: Shaz vs. Sara

Shaz, alt: Shazzer - (noun)  Central figure in Urban Family.  Journalist.  Likes to say f*#k a lot.  On a trip to Thailand, flirts with Jed, a much younger man who plants drugs on her, causing Bridget to go to Thai prison.

Sara, alt: Boston Sara so as not to confuse with St. Louis Sarah - (noun)  Entire Urban Family from my life in Boston.  Kept me from staying alone in my apartment most nights.  Visits me every year and inspires me to go to restaurants, bars, events that I usually wouldn't visit.  Took me on her business trip to Puerto Rico where she made me talk to a guy at a bar who turned out to be an ex-con, imprisoned for murder.  She did this purely for the amusement of watching me uncomfortably talk to a stranger at a bar.  That's about as close to prison as I've ever been!

Sara wins for not getting me arrested alone, but also because she makes me laugh way more than could possibly be healthy.


  1. Who is this Sara character?!? She sounds fantastic! Everyone should encourage their friends to strike up conversations with murderers :)

  2. Agreed, 100%. But in her defense, she didn't know he was a murderer at the time. ;-) It's a great story, and we weren't murdered. Good times.

  3. What type of murder? Sometimes manslaughter isn't so bad...

  4. You didn't hear this story? This mob guy had to murder the guys that took a knife to his friend. I mean, obviously. Then, he had to run to Tustin, CA, where he was caught by the FBI before he was able to escape to Mexico.

  5. Not only was he a murderer but he had no problem telling that to the single girl talking to him at the bar. He's a unique man!
